ITSCI Implementing Teams
Implementing due diligence in high risk areas for business compliance requires multi-skilled, multi-lingual expertise
The ITSCI Secretariat
International Tin Association
The ITSCI Secretariat is the not-for-profit International Tin Association based in the UK. We manage all day-to-day activities essential to support such a large programme as ITSCI, particularly administration of membership, contracts and financing. The Secretariat also holds and shares information as agreed, and plays an important role in managing traceability data and procedures.
Mickaël Daudin
Programme Manager
Magdalena Korytynska
Traceability Analyst
Josephine St John
Finance Officer
Daniel Elliot
Data Analyst
Richard Evans
Implementation Manager
Marie Brooks
On the Ground Teams
Pact Inc
Our field operator is Pact Inc, a US based capacity building not-for-profit 501(c)(3) NGO with expertise in artisanal and small scale mining and in particular the DRC. Pact manages ITSCI field teams, using and training local implementing partner organisations when possible in order to transfer skills and build local capcity. Pact plays an important role in gathering and assessing risk information and working with stakeholders to mitigate those risks.
Yves Bawa
Independent Evaluation
Synergy Global Consulting Ltd
Our independent evaluation team is Synergy Global Consulting Ltd, with offices in the UK, France, the Middle East and Africa. Synergy are used to partnering with businesses in complex environments to help create positive and sustainable outcomes. With expertise in high risk environments, Synergy carry out independent field assessments, company evaluations and audits of due diligence practices for ITSCI.
Benjamin Nenot
Our Ombudsman
Foley Hoag LLP
An Ombudsman is also retained should disputes arise which cannot be resolved through discussion. Global law firm Foley Hoag, as one of the only legal practices focused on corporate social responsibility, fulfils this role.