ITSCI was proud to host a partner session at the OECD’s 14th Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains on 26 April 2021. We thank our panel of government partners, stakeholders, members and experts for their participation and reflections on ITSCI’s decade of experience in the Great Lakes Region.
Our moderator Gare Smith from Foley Hoag gave the welcome speech followed by Kay Nimmo, Head of Sustainability at the International Tin Association (ITA). Kay spoke about building the programme since 2010, remembered what the situation was like before ITSCI, and commented on the progress over the past decade despite challenges on the ground.
We heard from government partners Mr. Joseph Ikoli, Secretary-General of Mines of the DRC and Dr. Ivan Twagirashema, Chief Operating Officer of the Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board Board.
We also heard from our industry and NGO partners including Candida Owens, T.I.C. representative on the OECD MSG, Benjamin Nénot, Synergy Global Consulting, Dharam Kotecha, Halcyon, Mickaël Daudin, Pact, and Quentin Lamarche, Specialty Metals Resources. We shared field and local civil society perspectives on video.