Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), are often not considered by miners. Besides dire consequences such as injury or death, accidents at mines can have negative social and psychological implications as well as economic consequences when mining activities become disrupted leading to loss in production and revenue.
In February 2017, Pact/ITSCI teams conducted a “Training of Trainers,” with funding from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide OHS training in the Nyunzu-Kalemie area of the Tanganyika Province, DRC. One of the attendees, supervisor Jean-Claude Musulman, of the technical state mining agency Service for Assistance and Supervision of Artisanal and Small Scale Mining organization) (SAEMAPE), used his learnings from the training to pass on his knowledge to Paul Mayombo, chief of pit at the Matongo Mine site. Mayombo, in turn applied the instructions and tools he learnt to his two teams, comprised of 11 miners. Given that SAEMAPE lacked the funds to put in place an official OHS committee and the “Training of Trainers” provided a cost-effective solution to implement OHS measures.
Miners working at Matongo mine site after OHS sensitisation
[Photo: Pact]