The United Nations Group of Experts on the DRC released a midterm report last week which is available here. The Group discuss various issues relating to armed groups such as ADC and FDLR, as well as the relations between the congolese army FARDC and MONUSCO and a range of conflict financing issues relating to timber and gold, as well as the 3T minerals. The Group outlined concerns relating to mineral affected by the armed group Raia Mutomboki in Shabunda, South Kivu, as well as continued smuggling issues and sale of tags in Rwanda. ITRI welcomes constructive comments and recommendations from all stakeholders including the UN Group of Experts but considers it necessary to add context to the information contained in the report, for example to clarify the improving security situation in Shabunda which it is hoped can allow iTSCi implementation in the coming months. ITRI also supports recommendations for improved control of tagging and follow up of smuggling incidents by authorities which would lead to further reduction in supply chain risks. Additional comments on the report from ITRI are available here. The final report of the Group is expected in June 2016.
ITRI comments on the UN Group of Experts midterm report
Nov 6, 2015