Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands (MFA)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands (MFA) provides co-funding for iTSCi field activities in a 3-year project ‘Scaling up mineral trade’. The MFA focusses on stability and security, raw material security and improved human rights, including gender equality.
Downstream industry
Downstream industry donors have funded activities related to child labour, health and safety and risk management training. Qualcomm, Apple, GE Foundation, Boeing and Microsoft and others have all contributed to this important work.

Promines (Growth with Governance in the Mineral Sector Project for DRC) is a project of the World Bank which aims to strengthen capacity of institutions to better manage the minerals industry and improve conditions for investment in mining. It further aims to increase revenues and socio-economic benefit from small-scale and artisan mining. Promines has supported training as well as provision of much-needed equipment.

IOM (International Organisation of Migration)
IOM (International Organisation of Migration) worked on mine validation and construction of centres de negoce.

BGR (Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources)
(Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources) run a set complementary projects to support Due Diligence and ASM Formalisation in the region.

ICGLR (International Conference of the Great Lakes Region)
ICGLR (International Conference of the Great Lakes Region) has an MoU with the iTSCi project, aiming to work together in harmonising efforts on prevention of illegal exploitation of natural resources.