As an additional step in our ongoing efforts to support responsible mineral supply chains, ITSCI has developed a due diligence training manual for DRC exporters. The manual aims to build the essential knowledge to manage potential challenges and support progressive improvement in the 3T sector. It explains the different steps of the OECD Guidance, highlighting the role of exporters in risk assessment and management by providing additional guidance and detailed recommendations to reinforce member companies’ understanding of effective due diligence practices. The manual is available in French and shared with DRC exporters by our implementing partner, Pact.
Last month, ITSCI organised twenty eight traceability and due diligence training and awareness raising sessions in Haut-Katanga, Haut-Lomami, Lualaba and Tanganyika provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Around 750 artisanal miners, state agents, and representatives of cooperatives and processors/exporters took part in the sessions. In North Kivu, our teams organised seven capacity building sessions including remedial training for 123 stakeholders in Masisi, Walikale, and Goma. The sessions focused on traceability procedures, the recommendations of the OECD due diligence guidance and the role of the different stakeholders along the supply chain.