ITSCI helps foster stronger local governance of the 3T artisanal mining sector through stakeholder engagement, including via joint field visits in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and other ITSCI areas. These missions are designed with representation of cooperatives, exporter/processor member companies, and state technical services, and they can vary from short day-long visits to follow up on a specific risk along the supply chain to much longer itineraries to multiple or remote sites. Carrying out these missions together is a critical aspect of capacity building and cost-sharing for traceability and due diligence among stakeholders.
In the Masisi territory in North Kivu, DRC, ITSCI’s field teams help to spearhead the evaluation of traceability procedures in PE76, a concession near Rubaya town where 3T minerals are mined by multiple artisanal cooperatives. In December 2021, ITSCI took part in a joint field visit ordered by the provincial Governor and organised under the auspices of the Division of Mines and Geology.