A radio campaign was launched in DRC broadcasting every month over 500 spots in both French and Swahili on 21 radio stations. In Maniema province’s Lubutu territory Hugo Assani Muloba, a host of “Umoja ya Lubutu” radio station, noticed the interest of his audience on the problems of the mining sector and therefore decided to organise an open call-in session, during which listeners could ask questions to civil society and government leaders.
On 29 November 2019, ITSCI staff was on air as guest experts to explain the dangers related to the presence of children at mine sites, as well as the risks associated with state armed forces’ involvement in mining activities. The next day, local authorities shared with listeners the strategies to protect mineral resources and ensure the community benefits from the mining sector. Guests included the Territory Administrator and representatives of the Service d’assistance et d’encadrement artisanale à petite echelle (SAEMAPE), Division of Mines, and Association of Development of Lubutu (ADLU).
The radio campaign will certainly have a far-reaching impact on the mining communities for which accurate information about responsible mining is vital.

Radio hosts at Oka Kyondo radio in Luena town, Haut-Lomami Province