In order to ensure that all stakeholders within the mineral supply chain adhere to ITSCI traceability and due diligence procedures, ITSCI/Pact staff work in collaboration with Rwandan government staff, namely the Rwanda Mines, Petroleum & Gas Board (RMB) and their respective Mineral Field Officers (MFO).
In early 2018, RMB undertook redistribution and restructuring of staff so that MFO’s were deployed to local district level in order to better track procedural irregularities amongst companies and processors/exporters. With the aim to harmonise and stay in accordance with OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals, a jointly organised training programme was organised in May/June 2018 to reinforce and strengthen the mutual knowledge and understanding of each organisation’s roles and responsibilities.
The training took place in Muhanga district, where three training workshops for 84 MFOs and eight ITSCI staff was facilitated by ITSCI and four RMB mines inspectors, under the supervision of RMB Director of Inspection Unit, John Kanyangira.
RMB Mining Inspector Mr. Nathan Byayesu
[Photo: Pact]