The iTSCi programme has updated its public Data Summary through to 2016Q2, detailing mine production and exports for each country from 2012.
Production of all 3T minerals rose from 12,200 tonnes at the project start in 2012 to 21,800 tonnes in 2014 as the activities expanded. Commodity price falls impacted production of all mineral types in 2015, dropping the total to 17,600 tonnes, but production is now increasing again as markets recover.
Total production over the project duration to 2016Q2 was 75,900 tonnes, made up of 47% cassiterite (tin), 32% tantalite (tantalum), 13% wolfram (tungsten) and the remainder mixed.
2015 Production figures were DRC 9,700 tonnes, Rwanda 7,650 tonnes and Burundi 250 tonnes.