The iTSCi Membership Programme today announced the acceptance of the first 33 companies as Full Members. In order to contribute to transparency in the supply chain, the Programme has made a summary of relevant preliminary information on each company available here
A further 19 membership applications are also in the process of being assessed and are likely to be approved within a short time. In total, 52 companies have applied to join the iTSCi Programme and coming up to the end of the first year of start-up operation, the membership spans 16 countries making it a truly international supply chain management system.
The iTSCi Programme aims to manage conflict concerns in the upstream supply chain from mine to smelter and has successfully attracted membership from every step in this chain. Member companies range from African mining co-operatives of artisanal miners, through small companies with few employees, to larger miners, mineral traders and processors.
Companies buying metal sourced from central Africa, as well as general supporters of iTSCi, are Associate members of the Programme, some of whom are also listed here.
The full press release can be viewed here (English / French).